Ambling and rambling through life

ramble v. 1 to move aimlessly from place to place 2 to talk or write in a long-winded wandering fashion

amble v. to go at a slow, easy pace; stroll; saunter

Thursday, September 8, 2011


Dear readers,

This blog has been long in the making. Ever since I documented my semester abroad in Athens, Greece in 2009, I’ve contemplated sharing my experiences trekking across New England and serving with AmeriCorps over the last two years.  Alas, procrastination and ambivalence trumped motivation and creativity; although I regularly record reflections and experiences in journals, I’ve lacked the incentive, and shall I say aplomb, to transmit my thoughts out into the “void”.

Well, somehow I gathered the courage (okay, I’ll admit, it also had a great deal to do with my slight affliction with technophobia…), and here I am, ready to introduce you to my grey matter.

What is the purpose of this blog, you ask? Perchance…I’ll write about exploring and living in Maine. I’ll tell you what grad school is really like. I’ll reveal thoughts about the books I’m reading, the music I’m listening to, and the shows I’m watching. If you’re lucky, I may rant about politics.

Mostly, I will ramble about my ambles.


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